Tel:0574-6222 8836 / 6222 8832
Fax:0574-6222 8835,
Add:Xinyang Road No 58, Ditang, Yuyao, Ningbo Zhejiang China
Copper nickel plating is nickel plating on a copper substrate.Nickel plating can be divided into electroplating nickel and electroless nickel plating.After the copper nickel plating can prevent the migration of copper atoms, if the direct chromium plating on the copper substrate, copper atoms will migrate the chromium coating, resulting in copper coating.Inactivity of nickel can protect copper from oxidation.After the plating work in the atmosphere and alkali solution chemical stability, not easy to change color, more than 600 degrees Celsius before oxidation.High hardness, easy to polish, the disadvantage is porous.In a lot of products (especially iron and steel), in the substrate to plating a layer of nickel, the purpose is not only to facilitate subsequent plating of other metals, there are relatively strong adhesion and wear resistance.
304是一种通用性的 全型号不锈钢接头不锈钢,它广泛地用于制作要求良好综合性能(耐腐蚀和成型性)的设备和机件。304不锈钢是按照美国ASTM标准生产出来的不锈钢的一个牌号。304相当于我国的0Cr19Ni9(0Cr18Ni9)不锈钢。304含铬19%,含镍9%。304是得到超广泛应用的不锈钢、耐热钢、实用钢、华业钢。用于食品生产设备、普通化工设备、核能等。
在空气中或化学腐蚀介质中能够抵抗腐蚀的一种高合金钢, 为了保持不锈钢所固有的耐腐蚀性,钢必须含有12%以上的铬。304不锈钢化学成份:规格 C Si Mn P S Cr Ni(镍) Mo SUS304 ≤0.08 ≤1.00 ≤2.00 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 18.00-20.00 8.25~10.50。
产品按国标GB/T14976-2012(流体输送用不锈钢无缝钢管),GB/T14975-2012(结构用不锈钢无缝管)、GB/T13296-91(锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢无缝钢管),装饰用焊接不锈钢管(GB/T 18705-2002全型号不锈钢接头生产厂家),建筑装饰用不锈钢焊接管材(JG/T 3030-1995),均经过严格的检测,符合标准的技术指标要求材质321/ 1Cr18Ni9Ti 304/0Cr18Ni9 310S /0Cr25Ni20 316L/00Cr17Ni14Mo2 301 304L
圆管坯→加热→穿孔→三辊斜轧、连轧或挤压→脱管→定径(或减径)→冷却→坯管→矫直→水压试验(或探伤)→标记→ 入库。冷拔(轧)无缝钢管:圆圆管坯→加热→穿孔→打头→退火→酸洗→涂油(镀铜)→多道次冷拔(冷轧)→坯管→热处理→矫直→水压试验(探伤)→标记→ 入库。