Tel:0574-6222 8836 / 6222 8832
Fax:0574-6222 8835,
Add:Xinyang Road No 58, Ditang, Yuyao, Ningbo Zhejiang China
Copper nickel plating is nickel plating on a copper substrate.Nickel plating can be divided into electroplating nickel and electroless nickel plating.After the copper nickel plating can prevent the migration of copper atoms, if the direct chromium plating on the copper substrate, copper atoms will migrate the chromium coating, resulting in copper coating.Inactivity of nickel can protect copper from oxidation.After the plating work in the atmosphere and alkali solution chemical stability, not easy to change color, more than 600 degrees Celsius before oxidation.High hardness, easy to polish, the disadvantage is porous.In a lot of products (especially iron and steel), in the substrate to plating a layer of nickel, the purpose is not only to facilitate subsequent plating of other metals, there are relatively strong adhesion and wear resistance.
本实用新型提供了一种连接快速方便且安装连接可靠的金属软管接头;它包括接头本体,包括位于该接头本体一端的空腔内的夹子。锁定套筒,用于将金属软管锁定在该接头主体的一端;密封环和锁定部件, 塑料接头定制设置在该接头主体的另一端。进一步包括在所述夹子的外部嵌套的橡胶密封套筒;通过在夹子的外端面设置连接螺纹,金属软管在安装时能够通过自身的螺纹与接头本体快速螺纹连接,整个工艺简单快捷,同时连接也可靠;通过安装的橡胶密封套筒可以进一步保证金属软管连接的可靠紧密性。技术?彩本实用新型涉及管道连接结构技术领域,特别是涉及金属软管连接的背面技术[0002]金属软管作为一种管道设备的常用部件,其连接结构的好坏直接涉及金属软管整体的使用PU管定制安全。如图1及图2所示,以往的金属软管在使用时在金属软管的外侧设置套筒,使用套筒与接头主体连结,进而将金属软管按压在接头上。